Quality Control Services

QC Services

B S APPARELS offers quality control as a standalone service to a number of customers who have already sourced their factories but need a little help to ensure that the factory reaches a certain quality level. Our services include:

AQLs: BS APPARELS has an independent QC team that conducts AQLs on behalf of its customers according to the customers’ AQL levels. Customers receive AQL decisions within 4 hours and the AQL report within 24 hours

Inline QC Checks : we place a full-time Quality Control manager in the factory to look after our client’s production. The QC’s role is to monitor the quality of the production from fabrics through to finishing, providing technical assistance to the factory where required and reporting back to the customer on any issues with regards to production or to seek clarification on any issues. Inline reports are issued weekly to the client so they check the progress of their production.

Pilot Run: the first production off the line, often known as the pilot run is the most important as it sets the tone for the full production run. In this capacity we are engaged to ensure that the pilot run is executed as per the customer’s required standards as evidenced by the PP samples and more importantly to ensure that the feedback from the pilot run is incorporated into the bulk production run.

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